Staying Active

In this post I just want to mention some activities that we were involved recently, or we are still keeping up with. Starting in September, we had 5 kayaking classes through the Robert E Lee Recreation Center, which were a light workout and fun. We never tried kayaking before, but it was fairly easy on the nice and calm Lake Accotink. Besides, the weather was beautiful most of the time, which made our kayak rides even more enjoyable.

Every Saturday we would come to the lake by 10 A.M. for the class. The lake is located in Accotink Lake Park, which offers numerous amenities such as barbeque places, carousel and others.


We would pull our kayaks to the shore and start our journey on the lake.


We would try to take longer routes, exploring the lake. Once, we went around an island on the lake and saw some baby deer in the bushes right on the edge of the island. We saw grey heron birds a few times. We also saw small turtles and some fish. Here, we are kayaking around the island.



Putting our kayaks back on the rack at the end of the class.


The other time, we took a longer ride on the lake passing a beautiful tree like tunnel. Most of the time we followed each other in a line.


Such a pretty ride.


Either way, we explored the lake a little more every time and improved our kayaking skills with every class. Of course, we didn’t become export kayakers, but we feel much more comfortable with kayaking now.


Some places on the lake were really shallow.


Dave is very dedicated to his gym, and I am very proud of him. Yes, burpees are not easy.


We also completed an 8-week swimming class here in the Lee RECenter. We had a 50 minute lap swim every Tuesday night. We both can swim; it is just more convenient to register for the class as opposed to paying for each separate visit. We got lucky with a very attentive and helpful instructor. I enjoyed swimming and improved my lap techniques a little, which was nice.


The pool is nice and big there, and we always had our own lanes. Originally, 7 people attended the class, but at the end, only 2 0r 3 people showed at the pool.

I really like this motivational phrase on the door on the way to the pool.


While it was warm, Dave offered some free workouts and was very successful with his group. I came for his workout one night and was impressed. The workout was really good and well organized. Here, we arrived to work out at the Fort Ward park.


This open amphitheater was used for running the stairs up and down.


And here we used a jump rope and suspension trainer.


Also, we took a run a few times in our neighborhood using a couch to 5K app. We never had a goal to run the long distances, but it was nice and fairly easy following the app. Dave could already run pretty far, but he was being nice by keeping me company in exercising. Just trying to stay active. 🙂


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