Florida Winter Trip

Dave and I just came back to DC from Florida. There is not as much snow left after the storm and it was a surprisingly warm day. We shoveled the rest of the snow from our driveway and the balcony in about 20 minutes. The roads were clean, but there was still piles of snow on the sides. Here is a view of the Potomac River from the plane.

We had an early flight and were able to see the sunrise from the plane. According to the Geo Tag, our plane just crossed the Georgia state line.


Dave and I visit Florida at least once a year and always have a great time. Besides the warm sunny weather and close proximity to the ocean, we enjoy spending time with Dave’s family. The grapefruit tree in Dave’s Mom’s garden is always full of fruit, but this year it was overloaded with large and shiny grapefruits.

While we were taking pictures under the grapefruit tree, the TV was flooded with warnings about expecting of large amount of snow in DC area. The snow storm eventually occurred in DC, but we managed to escape it. 🙂


I stepped out outside of the house and caught the end of this beautiful Florida sunset.

Being in Florida, we took a short 4 day cruise to the Bahamas. Later, there will be a post for each day of the cruise. Before we left Florida, we had a chance to get together with our “old” friends. We spent a wonderful evening in Daytona Beach with them, which we enjoyed very much! Here are some pictures from this memorable evening.


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